An uncapping knife is a great tool to remove the layer of wax from your Honey frames when you are ready to extract your honey.
An uncapping knife is used to uncap the wax layer that the bees cover their honey with. An electric uncapping knife usually has a thermostat inside that heats the knife blade and makes it easier to melt/cut through the capping.
When it's time to uncap your honey you will need a fast easy way to remove the laying of wax over the honey. You can use a Capping Scratcher or you can make the process much easier by using an Uncapping Knife.
The knife is like a large bread knife that is connected to the power, the blade heats up and this makes the blade glide across the wax covering on the frames. You then use an extractor to remove the honey from the frames.
•Fast start, just 20 seconds to working condition.
•High-Quality stainless steel.
•The dimensions of the blade: 11 x 1,5 x 0,07 inches ( 280 x 40 x 2 millimeters)
•Power (voltage): 12 volts / 70 watts (or 45wt)
•Working temperature: 70-90 ° C.
•Cords length: 6.5 ft (2 m)