Corn Seeding Process - How To Plant Corn

Fresh ears of corn are a favorite summertime treat. Boiled, grilled, roasted, or fried, corn is a must-have at any family get-together.

One way to ensure the corn is fresh and organic is to grow it in your home garden. The corn seeding process is very simple and anyone can grow corn, even if your garden is very small.

Use these tips for seeding corn and enjoy the taste of summer in about 55 days after planting.

Best Time For Seeding

Early spring is the best time for planting corn but don’t be in a hurry to sow the seeds. Corn seeds will not germinate if the soil is not warm enough so wait until two weeks after the last spring frost to plant corn.

Don’t Start Seeds Indoors

Corn is one of the rare garden plants that you do not want to start from seeds indoors. The plant roots are very shallow and usually won’t survive being transplanted.

It’s best to wait and sow the seeds directly into the outdoor soil. The plants grow rapidly and you’ll have a higher success rate.

Soil Preparation

Corn is a heavy feeder and drinker, prepare the soil before planting by incorporating plenty of compost and/or well-rotted animal manure. This will ensure the soil will be fertile and loose so the plants will be well-fed and the soil will retain moisture without becoming soggy.

How To Plant Corn

Create rows that are 1-inch deep and 2-3 feet apart. Plant the corn seeds in the rows 6-inches apart. Varomorus Corn Manual Seeder, is beneficial when you are seeding a large garden.

Cover corn seeds with 1/2-inch of soil and water thoroughly. After the seeds germinate and stalks reach 4-inches tall pull 1/2-inch of soil around the base to help anchor the tall-growing plant.

Harvest Time

Corn stalks will grow 5-12 feet tall depending on the variety planted. Each plant will produce 1-2 ears of corn and the ears will be ready to harvest when the silks turn brown.

Pull the ripe ears downward and twist to harvest.


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